That’s right, you read the headline correctly. Some days, okay most days, I am a regular mother, doing my best to raise my kids in a happy and healthy home. Some days I feel like a terrible Mom, which I know is quite normal. But yesterday, when I went to bed, I felt like I had a Supermom day. Let me explain.
As I have written about before, I, like so many women, am trying to figure that ultimate balance between home and work life. How do I invest and grow in my career and also give my family the attention it deserves? How do I get my work done at the office and also run a household? While I may never find that exact balance, some days I know I tried my best. Yesterday was one of those days.
Yesterday I attended an all-day conference, and I had to be there at 8:00 am (more on that conference in tomorrow’s post but today it’s all about Supermom). I was up and ready, in the dark, while everyone in the house was asleep. The baby is a light sleeper and started to stir as I brushed my hair and got dressed, and minutes before I sneaked out the door, at 7:30 am, she was up.
I gave her a morning cuddle, to calm her down and make her happy. Nessa, you see, loves cuddles, and I learned early on that holding her and hugging her for a few minutes can make the difference in her day. So, after I cuddled her I handed her over to my husband, threw on my coat and ran out the door.
Now I will admit that even on Supermom days I am a bit disorganized. If I had woken up even ten minutes earlier I would have had the children’s lunches in their school bags, and those bags would have been at the door. Okay, that was a miss. But I did leave notes on our kitchen white board with instructions for the day with the childcare and scheduling needs.
A Supermom doesn’t go off to work (or a conference) without a plan for the day. I was in regular contact all with various work, conference and family stakeholders, balancing everyone’s needs. Work was completed on time and the kids were picked up from school and cared for accordingly.
At 5:00 pm, at the end of the conference, I raced home. I stopped at the grocery store to collect the final components for dinner, and I walked in the front door of my house at 6:05 pm. The baby was excited to see me and reached out her arms for a hug. Julia ran to me, hugged me and ran back to her iPad. Matthew did not notice I was there. Clearly his iPad video was far more interesting than his mother.
I unloaded my groceries, took my other ingredients out of the fridge and pantry and got to work to make dinner. 35 minutes later I had dinner on the table – grilled chicken, roast broccoli, potato knishes and couscous. That’s right, I prepped and cooked all that in 35 minutes.
All five of us sat down at the table together to eat, and everyone found something they liked. Okay, Nessa threw half her dinner on the floor, Julia kind of did this half-sit and half-stand position on her chair, and Matthew insisted that the baseball playoff game stay on in the background. But everyone ate and everyone smiled.
As we finished up dinner my mother arrived at our house as she and I had theatre tickets last night. She and I have a theatre subscription and enjoy a night out a few times per year. It had been a long day, but an evening out with my mother at the theatre is always pleasant
I kissed the children good bye and was out for the evening. Upon my return home two of them were still awake (that explanation is for another day). I found my husband and the baby conked out and cuddled up together and left them alone. Matthew was lying on the family room couch and Julia was lounging on a chair nearby.
I sat down with Julia and we discussed her day. She was so excited to tell me all about the marble her class received for their compliments jar that morning and the new Chrome Books her class just received. I got a rundown of who she played with that day and her big plans for her friend coming up for tonight’s sleepover.
When I finally went to bed, with the lights out and the house quiet, Matthew quietly creeped into my bedroom. His father and baby sister were crashed out in his bed (this happens often), and he was looking for a place to sleep. He crawled into my bed and snuggled up beside me. Sometimes I feel that Matthew is growing up too fast, but when he cuddles up tight and close to me in my bed it reminds me that he is still a little boy.
So that was my Supermom day yesterday. I worked and networked at a professional conference. I had some special time with each of my children and even a night out on the town with my mother.
What makes you feel like a Supermom (or a Superdad) or when have you felt the aura near you of a Supermom? Send me your comments here, or please do post on Facebook or Tweet me @AliciaRichler. I would love to hear from you.